Teléfono: 930 18 29 00 - 930 18 29 01
Horario Lunes, Miércoles, Jueves y Domingo 19:00–23:00 Martes Cerrado Viernes y Sábado 19:00-24:00 (excepto Julio y Agosto)
Avinguda Ntra. Sra. de la Mercè, 19, 08397 Pineda de Mar, Barcelona


Try any of our pizzas with the benefits of activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is a substance of vegetable origin which is obtained from the carbonization of the shell of the coconut.
Outstanding among its benefits is its ability to clean the organism of toxins, germs and heavy metals, which leads to more luminous skin and easier digestion.



1. Gluten 2. Egg 3. Dairy 4. Nuts 5. Celery 6. Crustaceans 7. Fish 8. Sulfur dioxide and sulphites 9. Peanuts 10. Sesame grains 11. Soybean 12. Molluscs 13. Lupins 14. Mustard

Wood-fired pizzas

All our pizzas are prepared with hand-made dough made fresh each day and fresh seasonal products.